miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2007

Tourist Aspects Worldwide

By Deykelin Vargas. V.

Nowadays, we have a paradigm of worldwide tourist development, not only in our country also around the world.
The tourism worldwide is an opportunity to visit many different countries that help us to know their cultures, their attraction to visitors in their geographical natural beauty which seem no everlasting resources; also some interesting destinations that people enjoy when decide to travel.
These sorts of destinations which seem to have a higher level of conservation are also vulnerable; they require an appropriate action plan for their preservation and management.
The interest of these people is to preserve their cultural elements, among them the main characteristic that supports a sustainable socio-economic development.
Some important countries such us United States, Japan, Brazil, Argentina,etc have the opportunity to offer different beautiful places or sculptures that permit tourist enjoy and come back to visit it again.
It is important take into account that people of each country around the world have to value the differences or characteristics that each country has because it help us to increase as persons and also we can travel to compare cultures, ways to live, etc.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2007

Teaching Methods

Teaching Methods

The ideas of these methods are exhibit teaching practices in their classrooms.
It also consists in measure the teacher’s knowledge, develop and practice to be
experts in the field of education. Is important take into account that these are resources that help us to teach better in the classrooms.
When we walk into our workplace, the classroom, we close the door on our colleagues. When we emerge, we rarely talk about what happened or what needs to happen next, for we have no shared experience to talk about.
Finally, these exhibits, Opening Classroom Doors, It break down the barriers to collegial learning and also show accomplished teachers in action, teaching, questioning, explaining, modeling, collaborating and demonstrating their art at the highest level of proficiency.

Ø Discovery Learning: This Method provides students opportunities to develop hypotheses to answer questions and also it helps to the development of students learning.

Ø Learning Communities: It is a commonplace it is used to mean any number of things, such as classroom practices into the community; it helps in the learning tasks for students.

Ø Learning Styles: This Method is when the teachers use multiple paths to knowledge to help students learn and strengthen understanding. They know that students learn in different ways and use different modalities to take in information and demonstrate knowledge. Teachers have to use a variety of strategies and methods to insure that all students have equal opportunities to learn.

Ø Multiple Activities: The teachers know that students learn in different ways and for it they have to develop and provide resources that help them to teach students in the best way.

Ø Multiple Intelligences: It is based on testing; it proposed eight different intelligences for the human potential in children and adults. Some of them are Linguistic intelligence, Logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, Musical intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence, and Naturalist intelligence.


In my opinion the Teaching Methods are a good opportunity to learn new techniques to teach better. We as a teachers have to take in to account not only the time that we spend in our classrooms, also the different situations that students have and that at the same can influence in their learning; for it the teachers have to be able to find the way to teach and be sure of students understanding and learning it knowing that each student has different ways to learn.